Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm keeping my word!

I hope that you all remember this post. Well, it has been a year and about 4 months, and I still have not stepped foot into the Wal-Mart!

The other night, Teague had a pretty bad cough I had been giving him some medicine, but I realized at about midnight that it wasn't cough medicine, it was just for itchy throat and stuffy nose. He didn't have a stuffy nose or anything really, just a cough. I had his humidifier with vicks going, but he was still coughing pretty bad. He was dead asleep, but coughing (how does he do that?).

At about 1:45 a.m. I ask Aaron if I should run to Walgreens to get some cough medicine. He said that he thought it was a good idea, but he hated to see me go this late at night. He was pretty much asleep. I decided to go ahead and go. It is about five miles away, I got there at about 2:00. When I got there, I went right back to the cough medicines and I was struggling with the decision, the pharmacist came and helped me, it was wonderful. I am so happy that I drove over there even though Wal-mart was open and closer. I am so happy that the pharmacist was so willing to help a crazy mom in the middle of the night.

This just goes to show that it is possible to not shop at Wal-Mart! In fact, the temptation wasn't even there! It didn't even cross my mind to go there. I've heard some people say that they think Walgreens is 'ghetto,' If Walgreens is 'ghetto,' then please, tell me what is Wal-Mart? To me, anything is better than Wal-Mart.

When I got home, I gave Teague the medicine - I don't think that he actually woke up - and a few minutes later the coughing subsided and we all slept well.


Tiffany said...

Will you still be my friend if I tell you Walmart is actually one of my favorite stores? . . .

Christa said...

Sadly, all the stores that we could shop at instead of Wal-mart, you know all the Mom & Pop stores have been practically shut down or forced to raise their prices just to pay their overhead. I guess our Super Wal-mart has been here since I was about 13, before that it was just a small store on the end of the mall, I don't think I realized before they built that HUGE building how big their chain was. But I really wish I could not shop there, but when they've closed everything else so they can thrive, we don't have much of a choice.

Ms. Karlyn said...

I will absolutely still be your friend!! I actually know a lot of people that shop there...a lot. It's just a personal thing for me! And, since we still have the other places to shop around here, that is where I go! No worries.

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

I too LOATHE Wal-Mart. That is a four letter word at our house! I have only been to that store twice since it opened here. Each time in January as it is the only place I have been able to find my yearly day planner. And then I waited in line FOREVER and the cashier messed up my order and I had to go wait in another ridicuosly long customer service line to get it fixed! GRRR!

bottspot said...

I've impressed! I do love walmart, but I understand where you come from. Way to stick to your convictions! Love ya! (please still be my friend?)

Lia said...

It's not even an option for us, either. It's not even on our radar. I won't even go to the branch of our credit union that is housed inside the Wal-mart. And it's the closest to our house! If I'd known it had a branch in a Wal-mart, I'd have chosen some other credit union! I should tell them that, huh?

Down with the evil empire!!!