Wednesday, July 7, 2010

YTU post...mostly pictures!!

I will try not to bore you with an entirely too long of post, but I will entertain you with some pictures.

YTU was awesome this year! It was so fun that both kidlets were able to be in the pre-teen session.

Both kidlets made some new 'bff's'.

And, both kidlets still have the same 'bff's' as usual.

YTU friends are truly the BEST!

Here is Piper as 'Strength' in 'Everyman.' She was FANTASTIC!

Here is Teague in 'Jack and the Beanstalk' during 'Killer' sung to 'Thriller.' He was HYSTERICAL! Here, he is shimmying!

(sorry about the head)

The last night of performances was hard. Here they are doing the theme song.

Here they are with the one and only Penny, the Artistic Director of YTU.

And, here is some crying that went on and on and on and on and on...

1. YTU
2. Old Friends
3. New Friends
4. Incredibly talented kidlets