Tuesday, October 16, 2007

HONK! Revival

Wahoo for Piper! She was so excited to start up rehearsals again. When we got there, the first thing that I noticed was all of the new faces to the cast!! Unfortunately they lost Eb, the man that played "Ugly," Steve the guy that played "Bullfrog," Shelby the girl that played "The Cat," And about four or five other original cast members. But it looks like they got really great replacements. That is the one thing about a revival/encore performance, you never know what it going to happen in the next four months. But I am sure that it will still be as wonderful as it was the first time. There are definitely some really talented kids in that cast.
Piper was very excited to see Theresa, she is always asking me if Theresa can babysit, and I would love her to, but Theresa lives in Murray, so it is going to have to be a time when Aaron and I do something out there and we take the kidlets to her house while we go out. She was also excited to see Quita, the girl that plays "Dot" and also Andrew (her little crush) the boy that plays "Turkey." And of course Robyn, one of the "Ducklings." There seemed to be only three original froglets; Piper, James and Alyssa, so that will be fun to see what they do with that.
Anyway, it is very exciting to see this all unfold again, and it is always nice to see excitement in your child's eyes.