Tuesday, October 2, 2007

An Evening of Charlie Chaplin

Last Friday Aaron and I went to The Capitol Theatre to support NPR (KUER here in SLC). We go every fall for the annual Silent Film Night.

The first year they did a Buster Keaton film called "The General." I am pretty sure you have all heard of it. I loved it. I don't think that I had ever seen a silent movie before, if I had, I had erased it from my memory. Last year they did a Harold Lloyd film called "Safety Last." Again, I loved it. The thing that is so fun about the annual Silent Film Night is that they have an organist there playing the music live for the films. His name is Blaine Gale, and he is amazing.

But let's get to this year! An Evening of Charlie Chaplin.

The evening always starts out with a Radio West production. Joining Doug Fabrizio were NPR's movie critic, Bob Mondello, the Organ Loft's Hunter Hale and of course the organist, Blaine Gale. I really like this part when the all discuss their opinions on the silent film actors and the films themselves. They also discussed Chaplin at length (Thus, the theme of the evening). The talked about the influence Chaplin left, and also toward the end, his connections to Utah. Let's just say, Movies aren't like use to be! You really truly had to have a passion and a TALENT to be in movies then. Here it is if you want to listen: An Evening of Charlie Chaplin.

This year, they showed two films. The first was "Easy Street."This movie is hysterical! Charlie Chaplin was a police officer that some how fought off the "Big, bad guy" His choreography (is that what it is called?) is AMAZING! I love physical comedy, so this was really fun for me. Blaine played the organ for this movie, he is so incredible, I don't know how he does it. I recommend this silent film comedy to anyone who enjoys movies.

The second film, or the "Main Attraction" was "City Lights" All I can really say is OH MY GOSH! I really loved this film. Apparently Chaplin composed the music for this film and it was part of the film so Blaine didn't play during this one. Anyway, what a SWEET SWEET movie. I was so touched and moved and all those other emotional words. I love that Chaplin will do anything for the blind girl, you can really tell that he loves her. I think this movie really proves what an incredible Actor/Director/Writer/Composer etc. Chaplin really was! I really really loved this film. Please check it out!

Anyway that was such a fun date for Aaron and I. I really hope that they do this every year forever!

I wish I was more eloquent in my description of these movies. I probably could be, but I don't want to ruin the movies for you if you haven't seen them.


Corinne said...

how fun! what a great evening. i've never seen any chaplin